Tidligere arrangementer
Webinar 14. December
Dear ISPS Psychoanalytic Interest Group,
This is a reminder that we will be hosting our third 90-minute Conference of the ISPS
International Psychoanalytic Group in December 2023. The conference will happen Thursday,
December 14th, 12 – 1:30 pm EST (9 – 10:30 am PDT; 5 – 6:30 pm GMT; 6 – 7:30 pm CEST).
Please see the description below for details.
Multi-family Therapy Groups for Psychosis
The treatment of severe mental disorders demands a therapeutic approach that
transcends from an individual point of view demanding new formulas of intervention at
the institutional level. Family functioning is a key predictor, so the creation of
multifamily therapeutic spaces has been associated with functional and symptomatic
In this seminar, we will learn from two related but different approaches to multi-family
group therapy for psychotic states: the multi-family psychoanalytic group, which follows
the work of Jorge Garcia Badaracco as continued by the team of the DITEM day center in
Buenos Aires (Argentina) and the more integrative multi-family group psychotherapy,
developed and implemented in the Mental Health Service in Granada, Spain.
This outstanding seminar aims at bringing the therapeutic working with families into the
discussion of psychodynamic approaches to the treatment of psychotic states, as well as
to integrate into it the experience and expertise of the Spanish-speaking communities in
Europe and South America.
Manuel López Arroyo is a psychiatrist and psychotherapist at the Mental Health Center
in Guadix, Baza Hospital, Granada, Spain.
Maria Elisa Mitre is a psychologist and psychoanalyst, director of DITEM day center,
member in didactic function of the Psychoanalytic Association of Argentina (APA) and
member of the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA).
Katherine Walter is psychotherapist, Master in psychoneuroimmunoendocrinology.
Group coordinator at DITEM day center. Trainer and clinical supervisor of mental health
Mauricio Olivera is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: ISPS Psychoanalytic Interest Group webinar
Time: Thursday, December 14th 2023, 12 – 1:30 pm EST (9 – 10:30 am PDT; 5 –
6:30 pm GMT; 6 – 7:30 pm CEST)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 897 4210 2866
Passcode: 381423
Webinar 14. December
Dear ISPS Psychoanalytic Interest Group,
This is a reminder that we will be hosting our third 90-minute Conference of the ISPS
International Psychoanalytic Group in December 2023. The conference will happen Thursday,
December 14th, 12 – 1:30 pm EST (9 – 10:30 am PDT; 5 – 6:30 pm GMT; 6 – 7:30 pm CEST).
Please see the description below for details.
Multi-family Therapy Groups for Psychosis
The treatment of severe mental disorders demands a therapeutic approach that
transcends from an individual point of view demanding new formulas of intervention at
the institutional level. Family functioning is a key predictor, so the creation of
multifamily therapeutic spaces has been associated with functional and symptomatic
In this seminar, we will learn from two related but different approaches to multi-family
group therapy for psychotic states: the multi-family psychoanalytic group, which follows
the work of Jorge Garcia Badaracco as continued by the team of the DITEM day center in
Buenos Aires (Argentina) and the more integrative multi-family group psychotherapy,
developed and implemented in the Mental Health Service in Granada, Spain.
This outstanding seminar aims at bringing the therapeutic working with families into the
discussion of psychodynamic approaches to the treatment of psychotic states, as well as
to integrate into it the experience and expertise of the Spanish-speaking communities in
Europe and South America.
Manuel López Arroyo is a psychiatrist and psychotherapist at the Mental Health Center
in Guadix, Baza Hospital, Granada, Spain.
Maria Elisa Mitre is a psychologist and psychoanalyst, director of DITEM day center,
member in didactic function of the Psychoanalytic Association of Argentina (APA) and
member of the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA).
Katherine Walter is psychotherapist, Master in psychoneuroimmunoendocrinology.
Group coordinator at DITEM day center. Trainer and clinical supervisor of mental health
Mauricio Olivera is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: ISPS Psychoanalytic Interest Group webinar
Time: Thursday, December 14th 2023, 12 – 1:30 pm EST (9 – 10:30 am PDT; 5 –
6:30 pm GMT; 6 – 7:30 pm CEST)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 897 4210 2866
Passcode: 381423
“Neuropsychoanalysis and Psychosis:
A Dialogue with Mark Solms”
Friday 27th January 2023
18:00-21:00 GMT
We are honoured that Professor Mark Solms has agreed to give the opening talk, to which the audience and a distinguished panel will respond.
The topic:
Neuropsychoanalysis is an inter-discipline that integrates psychoanalytic and neuroscientific perspectives upon the mind. In this webinar Mark Solms will summarize some insights into psychosis that have arisen from this integrative effort. He will focus mainly on the role of the mesocortical/mesolimbic dopamine system, which is closer in its functional role to Freud’s ‘libidinal drive’ than is any other brain system. He will speak, in particular, about the role of this system in meaning-making, mania, omnipotence, and manic-depressive psychosis.
Mark Solms
Director of Neuropsychology at the Neuroscience Institute of the University of Cape Town
Professor Mark Solms is a member of the British Psychoanalytical Society and the American and South African Psychoanalytical Associations. He is Director of Neuropsychology at the Neuroscience Institute of the University of Cape Town. He is Honorary Fellow of the American College of Psychiatrists and Honorary Lecturer in Neurosurgery at St Bartholomew’s & Royal London School of Medicine. He has received numerous honours and awards, including the Sigourney Prize. He has published 350 scientific papers, and eight books, the latest being The Hidden Spring. He is the authorized editor and translator of the forthcoming Revised Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud (24 vols) and Complete Neuroscientific Works of Sigmund Freud (4 vols).
Maurizio Peciccia, MD: psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, president of ISPS Italia.
Michael Garrett, MD: psychiatrist, psychoanalyst and author.
Ariane Bazan, Professor of clinical psychology and psychopathology, psychoanalyst in private practice, coordinator of the French Network ‘Réseau Francophone Psychanalyse et Neurosciences’.
The discussion will also involve the registrants.
Julie Kipp, President of ISPS, will open the webinar.
Chair of the event:
Brian Martindale, former President of ISPS and Honorary President of EFPP.
The fee for participating in this webinar is US$30.
Register HERE
Participants will be provided beforehand with a written introduction to neuropsychoanalysis and will have access to the recording of the webinar for up to 14 days afterwards.
Se eller gense webinar med Paul Lysaker:
ISPS-US webinar with Paul Lysaker, about his approach, “Metacognitive Reflection & Insight Therapy” aka “MERIT.”, by Ron Unger:
This way of working seemed fun and very human, and very likely to connect with people in a good way. I also liked the way we touched on some of the bewildering extremes commonly seen in “psychosis.” At one point Paul was talking about working with someone who seemed stuck in a certain view they just kept repeating, and when Paul was curious why, it emerged that the person thought otherwise they would have nothing at all to hold onto, they would be empty. But then later we were talking about people who don’t seem to want to make sense or have any kind of order or repeating pattern – they are more afraid of something, and aim to destroy any possible meaning before it can box them in and be oppressive! (The latter is more like me when I was younger.)
Paul’s method is all about getting people back into making meaning and reflecting on things. I think psychosis in the first place is typically not about a brain that becomes incapable of making meaning, but a person who finds existing meanings to be inadequate or untrustworthy or oppressive, throws them away to some extent, and then suffers by being either without much meaning or grasping onto inadequate or unhelpful meanings in order to have “something.” Collaborating with people around constructing new meanings is a way out of that problem.
Reflecting and creating meaning together is also essentially dialogical…..
Anyway, if any of you want to check out that webinar, it is available at:
ISPS-Danmark inviterer til generalforsamling 2022 samt
Seminar om Traume og Psykose
Hermed indkaldes til Generalforsamling 2022, torsdag den 28. april
Sted: Psykiatrisk Center København, Strandboulevarden 96, Østerbro
Tid: kl. 13.30-14.00
Dagsorden (jf. vedtægterne)
Seminar om Traume og psykose
Tid: kl. 14.15-16.00
Gennem to oplæg vil vi tematisere traumer og traumatiseringens rolle i patogenesen af psykotiske tilstande, disses vedligeholdelse og mulige afvikling. Et særligt fokus vil være kunstudfoldelsens muligheder i det terapeutiske arbejde.
Psykiater og psykoanalytiker, Bent Rosenbaum, vil tale om traumatiseringsbegrebet ud fra et psykodynamisk psykiatrisk perspektiv og dets betydning i undermineringen af personens symboliseringsevne og dermed vanskeligheder ved at overkomme kommunikative og sociale vanskeligheder.
Steen Theis Lund Meyer, cand.mag i psykologi og filosofi og videnskabsteori samt PhD studerende med emnet tilknytning og traumer, vil, blandt andet med baggrund i bogen Galefyrsten, tale om nogle udviklingspsykologiske og social-ontologiske perspektiver på begrebet skam og dets betydning for vores psykiske udvikling samt dets bidrag til vedligeholdelse af psykose.
Deltagelse i eftermiddagens seminar er gratis, men tilmeld jer venligst til Lisbeth Jensen, isps.dk@gmail.com
Nyt og fortsat medlemskab kan etableres ved indbetaling af
kr. 300,- på konto 6771-6185971, Lægernes Pensionsbank.
Husk at anføre navn og adresse.
Vel mødt
ISPS bestyrelse
Bent Rosenbaum, Ulla Østergaard, Hanne-Grethe Lyse,
Erik Sandsten, Mats Widsell, Jens Roved
Invitation til ISPS eftermiddags-seminar
Anderssein, dobbelt bogholderi og dannelsen af det psykotiske univers
Filosof Helene Borregaard Stephensen og overlæge Annick Urfer Parnas
Dato og tid:
23. november, 2021, fra kl. 14-16
Psykiatrisk Ambulatorium, Strandboulevarden 96, 6. sal, 2100 København Ø.
Dette seminar har til formål at belyse diverse ændringer i grundlæggende eksistentielle og sociale aspekter af oplevelseslivet ved skizofreni-spektrum lidelser.
En særlig måde at føle sig anderledes på (Anderssein) bliver ofte betragtet som en central del af de tidlige forandringer, der kan udvikle sig til en psykose.
Kendskab til disse basale og til tider svært verbaliserbare måder at opleve sig selv og verden på, kan muligvis bidrage til en bedre forståelse af patienterne i psykoterapeutisk sammenhæng og forbedre indsatsen for tidlig opsporing af psykose.
Begge foredragsholdere har i mange år arbejdet såvel teoretisk som praktisk med titlens problemstillinger, og vi håber at seminaret vil give anledning til gode diskussioner mellem deltagere og foredragsholdere.
Tilmelding: mail til isps.dk@gmail.com
Gratis for medlemmer og for ikke-medlemmer indbetal venligst beløb kr. 100,- til konto 6771 6185971
NB: Medlemskab koster årligt 300,- og giver stor rabat ved den internationale ISPS-kongres 2022 i Perugia
Bestyrelsen af ISPS-DK
Bent Rosenbaum, Ulla Østergaard, Hanne-Grethe Lyse Nielsen, Erik Sandsten, Mats Widsell & Jens Roved
ISPS-Danmark – generalforsamling 2020 samt
Seminar om Psykosens livshistorie og sygehistorie
Generalforsamling 2020, torsdag d. 5. marts 2020.
Sted: Psykiatrisk Center Amager, Digevej 110, lokale G.1.23
Dagsorden (jf. vedtægterne)
Seminar om ”Den psykotiske tilstand: livshistorie og/eller sygehistorie
I den psykiatriske klinik er det som oftest den psykotiske persons sygehistorie vi fokuserer på. Vi gør det for at kunne give en diagnose, for at finde den mest hjælpsomme behandling og for at skabe os en ide om det videre forløb. Vi får et øjebliksbillede på denne persons tilstand og vi får et forløb beskrevet gennem symptomer og behandling. I gunstige tilfælde får vi også oplysninger om pt.s tidligere og nuværende øvrige liv, men som oftest fremstår det uformidlet til personens sygdomsforløb.
Gennem tre oplæg vil vi tematisere forholdet mellem livshistorie og sygehistorie.
Hvordan ser det ud fra en psykiatribrugers side, en pårørende og en behandlers.
1. Jens Roved: filmen ’Iris’.
Jens begynder at høre stemmer som barn, og op igennem hans ungdom overtager stemmerne langsomt kontrollen over alle dele af hans liv. Men en dag sker der noget, der vender op og ned på Jens’ virkelighedsopfattelse.
2. Pårørende mentor Birgitte Janischefska fortæller om sine erfaringer som pårørende og aktiv pårørende mentor.
3. Fagligt oplæg om seminarets emne, v. Bent Rosenbaum
Nyt og fortsat medlemskab kan etableres ved indbetaling af kr. 300,- på konto
6771-6185971, Lægernes Pensionsbank. Husk at anføre navn.
Vel mødt
ISPS bestyrelse v/
Bent Rosenbaum, Ulla Østergaard, Hanne-Grethe Lyse, Anne Marie Trauelsen, Erik Sandsten, Jens Roved
Abstract submission for ISPS Perugia 2021 is now open!
The scientific committee is pleased to invite authors to submit their abstracts to be delivered at the 22nd International Conference of the International Society for Psychological and Social Approaches to Psychosis (ISPS):
“Co-Constructing Healing Spaces” in Perugia, Italy, 1st-5th September 2021
The organizers welcome the submission of abstracts for original contributions to the field in the following ISPS 2021 thematic areas:
closing asylums / open healing spaces
intersubjectivity and psychosis
family intervention
early interventions
trauma, stress, illness and psychosis
COVID pandemic in therapeutic communities
creativity and new therapies for psychosis
(All abstract authors are asked to choose the closest relevant thematic area during the submission process)
How to submit your abstract
Follow these easy steps
Decide on whether you wish to submit a paper, workshop, panel/ symposium, meet the author, session or poster
Select a theme/topic from the suggested list
Prepare a 300 word abstract
Submit your abstract here
Types of submissions:
It is possible to present scientific contributions verbally, in symposiums (in English or Italian) or by submitting a poster. Recently published books may also be presented.
Papers – 20 minutes with 10 minutes for discussion
Panels/Symposia – 90 minutes. May include two, three, or more participants
Performance/Workshop – 90 minutes, opportunity for active audience participation and learning
Meet the Author – 30 minutes discussion of a recently published book.
Posters – for presentation of research, projects or programs, or other work on conference themes.
Further information
Important dates
October 1, 2020 Opening abstract submissions
February 14, 2021 – Deadline for Abstract Submission
March 31, 2021 – Evaluation of Abstracts
April 15, 2021 – Authors notification and nomination of sessions chairs
June 13, 2021 – Deadline early bird registration
Find out more about ISPS Perugia 2021
Are you interested in psychological treatments for psychosis?
Before registering for ISPS Perugia 2021 you may wish to consider joining ISPS. By joining ISPS you can connect with over 1,500 people around the globe who are dedicated to the psychosocial treatment of psychosis. Is your aim to understand and treat serious mental health problems such as psychosis in a dimensional, not categorical perspective?
Join us by becoming a member today!
ISPS Membership benefits include
Four issues per annum of the ISPS Journal: ‘Psychosis: Psychological, Social and Integrative Approaches’
Online access to all current and previous issues of the journal Psychosis
You will receive the ISPS Newsletter three times per annum (via e-mail)
You can join one of our many special interest e-mail discussion groups
Reduced delegate fees at the biennial ISPS International Conference
Discounted fees for members at ISPS Perugia 2021 (view here)
20% discount on books in the ISPS series published by Routledge
How can I become a member? Find out more about ISPS at www.isps.org
Did you know that ISPS has a YouTube Channel?
Watch the recording of the recent ISPS COVID19 and Psychosis webinar
and much more – on our new channel
#psychosis #mentalhealth #ispscon2021 #seeyouinperugia
ISPS Perugia Conference 2021
The International Society for Psychological and Social Approaches to Psychosis
ISPS har haft generalforsamling 2019 og Seminar om Kreativitet, tekst og psykose
Mandag den 27.5. Læs referatet her
Seminar om Kreativitet, tekst og psykose
Kunst og psykose har altid været forbundne emneområder. Ideen om en forbindelse mellem psykose og kreativitet kan betragtes ud fra et klinisk perspektiv i et forsøg på at forstå bagvedliggende produktive, forandrende og stagnerende mekanismer.
Seminaret tog udgangspunkt i forskellige projekter, der inddrager læse- og skriveprocesser i gruppe som indgang til forandring i de deltagende patienters selvopfattelse, refleksionsprocesser, åbenhed og verbalisering samt jeg-styrke.
Eftermiddagen præsenterede to projekter. Det ene projekt drejer sig om kreativ skrivning i grupper, ledet af forfattere, som del af den psykiatriske behandling; dette vil blive fremstillet af psykiater Birgit Bundesen (PCAmager). Det andet projekt omhandler brug af litterære tekster som en del af gruppeterapi; dette projekt vil blive fremført af psykolog Ulla Østergaard og psykolog Thomas Feltheim (PCKøbenhavn).
Gruppedeltagerne i disse terapiformer opfordres ikke til primært at tale om eget problemfyldt psykopatologisk indhold. Mødet i gruppen tager derimod udgangspunkt i de producerede og oplæste teksters form, hvad der formentlig er en del af den oplevelse af ”befrielse”, som mange deltagere beretter om, ligesom oplevelsen af empowerment ved at finde ”en egen stemme” og oplevelsen af selv at kunne tage styring over fortællingen om ens eget liv og sygdomsforløb.
Mange andre processer er på spil i brugen af tekster som en form for ”transitional objects”, hvilket giver personen i psykotisk tilstand en mulighed for både at være på afstand af og nær på det psykiske arbejde med sine problemer.
Tirsdag 23.januar 2018 kl.13.00 -16.00.
Seminar med Professor Jukka Aaltonen
Need-Adapted and Open Dialogue Approaches
with treatment of psychosis
30 års erfaringer med familie- og netværksbaseret behandling
Sted: Drosthuset Dyssegården, Avderødvej 32A, 2980 Kokkedal
Seminaret startede kl. 13.00, men man kunne komme forbi kl. 12.30 og få lille en udendørs rundvisning og kort fortælling om den smukke Dyssegården.)
Mere om Seminaret:
Since the 1970s there have been carried out in Finland several nation-wide and local projects to develop a family- and network-centered treatment model for acute psychotic patients and their families, the Need-adapted Approach and, as its modification, Open Dialogue Approach.
The Approaches have been developed, especially, for the community- based psychiatric treatment. The main principles of the Need-Adapted Approach emphasize that the therapeutic activities are planned and carried out flexibly and individually in each case so that they meet the real, changing needs of the patients including the family; the patient’s independence, sense of agency and grip of life are respected in every phase of the treatment process. The principles of the Open Dialogue Approach emphasize the continual reciprocal dialogue, immediate help, social network perspective, flexibility and mobility, responsibility, psychological continuity and tolerance of uncertainty.
Our challenges have been to integrate as a wholeness municipal mental health, social, and child guidance services according to the principles of the Approaches. This is closely connected to increasing of social capital of the whole catchment area, and thereby improving all the biopsychosocial factors. This means improving of multiplicity.
In addition to co-operation between psychiatric care and social services, however, important and necessary for people who suffer from mental health problems is to help them to fulfil their human capabilities, and not only diagnosing their symptoms; the prerequisite for this is a more general trust in services within the whole population of the catchment area.
The results have shown that the prognosis of severe mental health disorders has changed better, and there are hints that the social capital of the catchment areas has proved to increase.
But we have, also, to be sensitive to the possible harmful side-effects of the approaches.
Forkortet dansk resumé
Siden 1970’erne har man i Finland gennemført flere projekter for at udvikle en familie- og netværksbaseret behandling til mennesker med psykoser. Denne tilgang til behandling har man kaldt ”The Need-adapted Approach” (Det behovsbaserede tiltag) og ud af dette Need-adapted Approach er senere sprunget den tilgang, vi kender som Open Dialogue (Åben Dialog).
Kernen i The Need-adapted Approach er et planlagt, men individuelt og fleksibelt tilpasset møde med patienten og dennes familie/pårørende, hvor patientens og familiens reelle behov samt patientens oplevelse af at blive respekteret som et selvstændigt individ står i centrum. Kernen i Open Dialogue er den fortsatte dialog med familien og en umiddelbar hjælp til at fremme det sociale netværk samt tolerance over for at ikke alt kan planlægges på forhånd – processen må udvikle sig.
Disse to tilgange har været en udfordring for det etablerede behandlingssystem, men The Need-adapted Approach har ført til forbedrede behandlingsresultater.
Jukka Aaltonens teoretiske oplæg på engelsk vil danne grundlag for en forhåbentlig frugtbar udveksling af viden og erfaring blandt de deltagende.
Jukka Aaltonen er professor på University of Jyväskylä (Finland) og har i årtier været ledende forsker på feltet for behandling af mennesker med psykose.
Seminar om Familieintervention 2. November 2017
Hvad siger familien? Hvad siger forskningen?
Oplægsholdere: Jens Einar Jansen, Ulrik Haahr, Hanne-Grethe Lyse Nielsen, en patient og pårørende, som har deltaget i familie-intervention.
Læs her dias fra oplægsholderne
- Familieintervention for patienter med debuterende psykose En undersøgelse af enkeltfamilieforløb (EFF) versus flerfamiliegruppe (FFG), expressed emotion (EE) og metakognition – Præliminære data – Ulrik Haahr
- Enkeltfamilieforløb eller flerfamiliegruppe – psykoedukative modeller for familiearbejde – Hanne-Grethe Lyse Nielsen
- Pårørendes oplevelse ved tidlig psykose – Familiearbejde ved psykose Psykologisk forståelse og perspektiver for behandling – Jens Einar Jansen
Der er gennem de seneste 50 år forsket i familieintervention i forhold til patienter med skizofreni. Denne forskning har bl.a. udmøntet sig i psykoedukation til pårørende, hvad der efterhånden er gængs behandling ved psykosetilstande. Længerevarende interventioner, hvor hele familien er samlet, er sjældnere, men tilbydes unge patienter med psykose (OPUS) og deres nærmeste pårørende. Den mest almindelige model er en flerfamiliegruppe, hvor 5-6 familier samles hver 14.dag for at løse dagligdags problemer; en såkaldt problemløsningsmodel.
De senere år har forskere interesseret sig for, hvordan familien reagerer ved sygdommens frembrud- og hvor belastede de nærmeste kan være af ’psykose i familien’. Udover belastningsgraden har man ligeledes interesseret sig for de pårørendes evne til metakognition.
Forskningen blev belyst i to oplæg, dels resultater fra en stor undersøgelse om to slags familieintervention i region Sjælland, dels et oplæg om familiens belastning fra samme undersøgelse. Den kliniske tilgang blev diskuteret i et andet oplæg – hvordan bliver familien involveret? Hvordan ser modellerne ud?
Og meget betydningsfuldt blev der delt erfaringer fra en familie, der havde været deltagere i en flerfamiliegruppe.
Workshop – Gruppereterapi med mennesker med psykose
Ved Tilmann Kluttig
Tilmann Kluttig holdt oplæg torsdag d.4.5. kl. 16-18, om gruppeterapi med psykoser.
Her er slide fra det fantastiske oplæg
Tilman Kluttig is a senior clinical psychologist in the Clinic for Forensic Psychotherapy and Psychiatry in Reichenau Centre for Psychiatry, Germany. He is trained in psychodrama, family therapy, cognitive-behavioural therapy and in psychoanalytical psychotherapy for patients with psychotic disorders. He is a Past President of the IAFP and currently President of the Association of Clinical psychologists and Psychotherapists of Baden-Württemberg and a board member of the German group of the International Society for Psychological and Social Approaches to Psychosis. Tilman is a member of the editorial board of the German journals “Forensische Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie” and “Familiendynamik” and member of the editorial advisory group of the “Howard Journal for Criminal Justice
Torsdag den 30. marts 2017, kl. 11.45 -13
Før seminar med Stijn Vanheule, blev der holdt generalforsamling
Sted: Københavns Universitet, Østerfarimagsgade 5, lokale C22 35.3.13, København
Læs referat af Generalforsamlingen 2017 her
Seminar med Professor Stijn Vanheule
Torsdag den 30. marts 2017, kl. 13-16 blev der afholdt seminar med professor Stijn Vanheule.
Download dias fra seminaret her
Stijn Vanheule, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist, professor at Ghent University (Belgium), and psychoanalyst in private practice. He is the author of the books “The Subject of Psychosis: A Lacanian perspective” and “Diagnosis and the DSM: A Critical Review”, and of multiple theoretical and empirically based papers.
He was the first to accomplish an empirically based PhD thesis at the Department of Psychoanalysis (2003). He subsequently set up different empirical research projects focusing on diverse topics in clinical psychology, including subtypes of depression, the link between transference patterns and symptoms, and problems in affect regulation.
Abstract from Stijn Vanheule: My presentation proposes the idea that psychosis can be defined as a psychic structure that in part determines the way language is unconsciously organized and expressed in relation to the Other or others with whom subject relates. From this perspective I shall discuss how the treatment of persons with psychosis might, from a Lacanian point of view, be organized. Special attention will be paid to the specificity of “the psychotic symptom” as an elementary phenomenon, referring to a fundamental disruption in thought processes, e.g. a disturbed relationship between the thinker and his thoughts. The ways these elementary phenomena interfere in the patient-therapist relationship and the transference will also be taken into consideration. Crucial to this approach to treatment is that the psychotherapist aims at restoring a place for the subject in relation to the Other, which is threatened in episodes of psychosis.
19. maj 2016. Workshop med Dr. Nancy McWilliams og Professor Michael Garrett:
Nancy McWilliams:
“The paranoid process in patients without diagnosed psychosis: Implications for therapy.”
Paranoid thoughts and feelings are universal phenomena that become overwhelming and unbearable in psychotic states. In recent years a categorical model of discrete psychotic disorders, a model that implies that nonpsychotic therapists lack mental processes similar to those of their psychotic patients, has replaced a clinically derived dimensional conceptualization. While we have gained some valuable knowledge from the “neo-Kraepelinian” categorical approach, we may have lost some of the empathic clinical sensibility associated with dimensional understandings. Dr. McWilliams will depict the paranoid process in several of its manifestations and will discuss pathologies besides schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, and psychotic mood disorders that can be construed as on a spectrum that includes psychotic versions.
Klik her for at få McWilliams dias fra dagen – Her med 1 dias pr. side
Klik her for at få McWilliams dias fra dagen – Her med 6 dias pr. side
Dr. Nancy McWilliams er en stor kapacitet indenfor psykoanalytisk psykoterapi og supervision. Hun underviser fast på Rutger’s University, i tillæg er hun internationalt en hyppig anvendt oplægsholder. McWilliams har en egen praksis i New Jersey, og hun interesserer sig bl.a. for forholdet mellem behandling og diagnoser, og er optaget af alternativer til de diagnostiske konventioner vi finder i DSM. Hun er optaget af integration af feministisk teori og psykoanalytisk viden, altruisme, narcissisme, samt traumer and dissociative lidelser.
Nancy McWilliams har bl.a. udgivet bøgerne Psychoanalytic Diagnosis (1994; rev. ed. 2011), Psychoanalytic Case Formulation (1999), og Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (2004), alle på Guilford Press.
Michael Garrett:
“How does the psychology of “schizophrenia” differ from paranoid personality, and what implications does this difference have for treatment?”
Paranoid mechanisms are present in personality disorders with a variety of clinical presentations, and in people given a diagnosis of schizophrenia. For example, in both these groups disavowed negative aspects of the self are projected outside the psychological boundary of the self and experienced as an external threat. Despite the basic similarities in underlying paranoid mechanisms, clinicians are accustomed to regard schizophrenia as being distinctly different than a personality disorder. In an effort to describe what is distinctly different about schizophrenia, Dr. Garrett will compare and contrast the paranoid mechanisms in non-psychotic personality disorders (as described by Dr. McWilliams) with the paranoid psychology of schizophrenia. He will discuss the implications for psychotherapy for psychosis that follow from this distinction. He will present a rationale for combining a CBT and psychodynamic approach, in which CBT techniques are used first to examine the literal falsity of a delusional belief, followed by a second phase of psychodynamically-oriented work that explores the figurative (metaphorical) truth of the delusional idea. This approach will be illustrated with a detailed description of a successful treatment with a woman with a chronic paranoid delusion, including videotape clips of the patient discussing her treatment.
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Klik her for at få Garretts dias fra dagen – Her med 6 dias pr. side
Dr. Michael Garrett (MD) er professor i klinisk psykiatri på SUNY Downstate Medical Center. Han har gennem mange år haft en særlig interesse for de udfordringer, som klinikere møder når de skal skabe en behandlingsrelation med psykotiske mennesker, hvor man har forskellige opfattelser af virkeligheden.
Generalforsamling i ISPS
Læs indkaldelse til GF 2016 her
Dato: Torsdag den 7. april 2016, kl. 11.45-12.45.
Sted: Distriktspsykiatrisk Center Østerbro-Indre By
Efterfølgende til kl. 16 var der seminar med:
Professor Jullian Leff
Avatar-behandling af hallucinationer
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Om Avatar terapi: Der er tale om en ny behandling, hvor forskning viser at den kan hjælpe klienten med at konfrontere og endda lukke munden på indre persekutoriske stemmer. Behandlingen synes effektiv til patienter, hvor medicin ikke har effekt. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4066885/
Avatar terapi giver klienten mulighed for at vælge et digitalt ansigt (eller en “avatar”),som ser ud sådan som de forestiller sig stemmens udseende. Klienten fortæller terapeuten, hvad stemmen ofte siger, og dernæst sidder terapeuten i et separat rum og “taler” gennem den animerede avatar til klienten. Terapeutens stemme ændres elektronisk, så oplevelsen bliver at tale med sin stemme, således som klienten tænker den ser ud. Desuden kan terapeuten gennem mikrofon også tale til klienten med normal stemme og dermed coache klienten gennem hver session. Klienten får således mulighed for at gå i dialog med stemmen. Ofte ændre dette over sessioner klientens relation til stemmen, som bliver mindre forfølgende og mere hjælpsomme og støttende.
Til henholdsvis generalforsamling og seminar sker ved tilmelding til Lisbeth Jensen, isps.dk@gmail.com, samt for ikke medlemmer ved indbetaling på ovenstående konto, 6771 6185971, med navn senest tirsdag den 4. april 2016.
Se videoklip på Youtube:
Dr. Julian Leff har forsket i mange områder i løbet af sine 38 år med Medical Research Council, hvor han hele tiden har haft klinisk arbejde. Han er helt sikkert bedst kendt for sin forskning i at vise muligheden for væsentligt at reducerer tilbagefald og genindlæggelser for patienter med skizofreni ved at arbejde med familierne, bla. ved at arbejde med at reducere overdrevne “Udtrykte følelser” (Expressed emotions) og overdreven kontakt. Dette er efterhånden almindelig kendt i forskning og terapi. Faktisk er hans 1982 artikler, der beskriver dette arbejde blevet klassikere, med over 500 citater i verdenslitteraturen. Forskningsarbejdet viste også synergieffekt ved at kombinere psykosociale og farmakologiske interventioner.
Julian Leff har standhaftigt fastholdt sin rolle som samfundsforsker og meget af hans arbejde er strengt empirisk. Han er blevet ved med at forsøge at vise, at udtrykte følelser er ikke en særlig egenskab hos familier med psykose og han har gennem forskning modbevist specificiteten af kommunikations afvigelser i familier, som enkeltstående forklaringsmodel, hvilket ellers vinder fat i 1970’erne og 1980’erne. Han har spillet en uvurderlig rolle i at fastholde fokus på betydningen af mangesidige aspekter i familien, hvor der er familiemedlemmer med psykose. Han har gjort dette uden at genfremmane en problematisk familietilknytning som enkeltstående årsag, hvilket ellers har ført til at mange fagfolk opgiver deres engagement i familier som har betydelige behov for hjælp. (Tekst om Julian Leff omskrevet fra ISPS.org)
“Unbearable affect”
Affektteori og dens rolle i psykoterapi med mennesker med psykose
Fagligt arrangement
David Garfield
Professor of Psychiatry ved Chicago Medical School
27. august 2015 – kl. 10.00 – 15.30
Strandboulevarden 96, 2100 København Ø
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dels med 1 dias pr. side
Garfield er forfatter til blandt andet:
Unbearable Affect:
A Guide to the Psychotherapy of Psychosis
Metacognitive Reflective Insight Therapy (MERIT): An integrative form of psychotherapy for adults with psychosis
Fagligt arrangement
Professor Paul Lysaker
Torsdag den 7. maj fra 10 – 16
Strandboulevarden 96, 2100 København Ø
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dels med 1. dias pr. side
This presentation will focus on the use of individual psychotherapy to assist adults with psychotic disorders to develop the capacity to form an increasingly integrated sense of self and others and to use that knowledge to respond to social and psychological challenges. Participants will become familiar with a definition of metacognition as a spectrum of mental activities which vary according to their focus and concern with discrete vs. synthetic phenomenon and see how metacognitive activity can be conceptualized as a multi-determined, dimensional and trait like phenomenon that underpin how life goals are formed, sustained and revised. Methods for assessing metacognitive capacity will be presented. An integrative form of psychotherapy, referred to as MERIT, Metacognitive Reflective Insight Therapy, that addresses metacognitive deficits will then be described. This will include discussion of both the general principles and eight core elements of MERIT. Case examples and supporting research will be presented.
Paul Lysaker er professor i klinisk psykologi ved Indiana University School of Medicine og praktiserende klinisk psykolog ved Roudebush VA Medical Center. Han er en særdeles aktiv kliniker, underviser og forsker og har igennem de sidste 25 år haft en særlig interesse i at undersøge barriererne for at mennesker med psykoser kan komme sig, herunder arbejder han med at udvikle psykoterapier, der understøtter denne udvikling.
Generalforsamlingen med visning af filmen ”Mettes stemme” og efterfølgende diskussion. Fredag 6. marts 2015 (Se referat af generalforsamling 2015 her)
Filminstruktør Kathrine Borre har lavet en dokumentarfilm, hvor hun i 4 år har fulgt Mette, som igennem 15 år har været i massiv behandling i psykiatrien. Fordomme om psykiatriske patienter og deres behandling bliver udfordret. Mettes indre stemme suppleres og afløses efterhånden af hendes egen stemme i takt med at hun opdager egne styrker og får håb om at ændring af hendes liv er muligt.
Filmen er meget anbefalelsesværdig
Interesserede kan læse mere eller købe filmen på http://www.filmkontoret.dk/METTES-STEMME.html
Seminar ved Professor Richard Bentall. Diagnosebegrebet, de sociale determinanter for udvikling af psykose samt perspektiver på hallucinationer og vrangforestillinger. 2. Juni. Detaljer om arrangementet
Generalforsamling 2014 i ISPS med seminar med Professor Andrew Gumley: ”Attachment theory, affect regulation and recovery in psychosis”: Implications for theory, practice and therapy” v/Professor Andrew Gumley. 6. marts 2014. Se referat af generalforsamlingen 2014 her
Seminar med Julie Nordgaard og Peter Handest: Som man spørger, får man svar. Om interviewteknik og diagnosticering. København 26. november 2013. Uddelingskopier fra Handest og Nordgaard og Kronik af Handest og Nordgaard.
Seminar med Professor Svein Haugsgjerd: “Psykoterapi ved psykotiske tilstande, Muligheder og udfordringer” med i Århus 5. september 2013.
Seminar: Metakognition og psykose med psykolog ved Ph.D. studerende Jens Einar Jansen: København 27/5 2013 og i Århus 17/6 2013. Uddelingskopier fra Jens Einar Jansen
Fyraftensmøde: Filmfremvisning af ”The Doctor Who Hears Voices” og efterfølgende diskussion
Se Link her
Generalforsamling 2013 og fagligt oplæg: traumer og psykoser 18-03-2013. Uddelingskopier fra Marie Trauelsen. Se referat af generalforsamlingen 2013 her
ACT for Psychosis med Professor i psykologi, Ross White Glasgow: Workshop i Århus 26. november 2012 og i København 27. november 2012: Uddelingskopier Ross White; ACT for Psychosis, ACT Formulation, Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire, Idiopathic measures for the frequency, distress, and believability of psychosis symptoms,Valued Living Questionnaire (VLQ), The 7-item Acceptance and Action Questionnaire – II (AAQ-II)
Paneldiskussion i PH.-caféen. Anbefalinger for god standard i psykologisk behandling af psykotiske. 6. september 2012 kl 13-16. Se interview på Lorry.
Seminar med Lektor PhD Susanne Harder: Udviklingspsykopatologi 8. marts 2012 i Århus. Uddelingskopier fra Susanne Harder
Generalforsamling 2012. Se referat af generalforsamlingen 2012 her
Seminar med Brian Martindale: Working With Families from the beginning in Psychosis – sane og insane? Uddelingskopier fra Brian Martindale
Seminar med Lektor PhD Susanne Harder: Udviklingspsykopatologi 8. december 2011 Kbh. Uddelingskopier fra Susanne Harder
Seminar med Professor Douglas Turkington: “Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Psychosis in a Psychoanalytic Frame”. d 7. november 2011 Kbh. Se artikel om emnet i Psychosis nr. 1 i 2011, samt Hagen, Roger; Turkington, Douglas; Berge, Torkil & Gråwe, Rolf W.: CBT for psychosis : a symptom-based approach. Routledge New York 2011. Detaljer om arrangementet. Klik her for uddelingskopier fra Tirill Østefjell
Seminar med Andrea Raballo: “On being exposed: phenomenology of selfexperienced vulnerability in schizophrenia”, 12 maj 2011, Kbh. Detaljer om arrangementet
Generalforsamling 2011 og Seminar med Trevor Eyles og Dirk Corstens: At give stemmerne mening, – en fælles indsats. 21. marts 2011 København. Se referat af generalforsamlingen 2011 her
Seminar med Professor Andrew Gumley: 27. september København : Cognitive Interpersonal Therapy for emotional recovery and relapse prevention. og 28. september Århus: Exploring recovery narratives: psychotherapy processesand affect regulation in psychosis. Detaljer om arrangementet
Seminar med Professor Andrew Moskowitz: Trauma and dissociation perspectives on psychotic symptoms. 17. november 2010 København. Detaljer om arrangementet
Workshops med Andrew Gumley. København: “Cognitive interpersonal therapy for emotional recovery and relapse prevention” 27. september 2010. Århus: “Exploring Recovery Narratives: Psychotherapy processes and affectregulation in psychosis” 28. september 2010.
Generalforsamling 2010 og faglig oplæg: Oplæg og diskution ved Overlæge Lars Thorgaard om Lars Thorgaards 5-bindsværk om relationsbehandling. 16. marts 2010 kl 12.30. Se referat af generalforsamlingen 2010 her
Seminar om Præterapi med Lisbeth Sommerbech. 16. november 2010 i København. Detaljer om arrangementet
ISPS-2009: The 16th International Congres of Psychotherapy for Schizophrenia and other Psychoses. Copenhagen, Bella Center, June 15 to 19, 2009. Billeder fra kongressen
ISPS – Precongres Workshops d. 16. juni 2009. Detaljer om arrangementet
Generalforsamling 2009 med fagligt oplæg ved Professor Paul Møller: Selvoplevelse og selvforståelse ved skizofreni/psykose. Læs Om Generalforsamlingen 2009
Seminar om Psykose og psykoterapi. Risskov 23/10 2008
Seminar ved Bent Rosenbaum: Lacans Psykoseforståelse. Uddelingskopier fra Bent Rosenbaum
Seminar om Den jegstrukturerende psykoterapi. Elisabeth Felix. Der henviser til følgende hjemmesider: www.jagstrukturerande.se
Seminar om miljøterapi på Psykodynamisk grundlag. Torben Schjödt: Miljøterapiens relationelle aspekt og Torben Heinskou: Miljøterapiens organisatoriske aspekt. 30. maj 2008. Uddelingskopier fra Torben Heinskou
Generalforsamling 2008 med oplæg af Med Professor Johann Cullberg.Referat af ISPS foredrag med Cullberg. Se referat af generalforsamlingen 2008 her
Seminar ved Julian Leff. Family dynamics and Expressed Emotions. 5. oktober 2007. Referat fra arrangementet
Seminar med Professor Wilfried ver Eecke. Body and the structure of language in patients with psychosis – implications for theory and therapy. 4. juni 2007. Uddelingskopier fra Wilfried Ver Eecke
Generalforsamling 2007 og fagligt møde: Psykologisk behandling af Skizofreni. Se referat af generalforsamlingen 2007 her
Seminar ved Klaus Lehtinen: Need Adapted treatment, The Role of Shared Understanding. Uddelingskopier fra Klaus Lehtinen
Seminar ved Manuel González De Chávez: PAST HISTORY OF TREATMENT OF PSYCHOTIC PATIENTS. The Experience of the Self and the Treatment of Psychosis, March 9, 2006. Uddelingskopier fra Manuel González De Chávez
Seminar om Affektskolen – et psykoedukativt tilbud 11. oktober 2006
Grundlæggelsen af ISPS Danmark ved Symposium: The experience of self and the treatment of psychosis”. 2006 Se referat af mødet 2006 her. Se referat af stiftende generalforsamling 2006